Pre - Detailed Itinerary
(subject to small changes!)

Day 1, Tuesday 18th Sept. 2007:

Stuttgart --> Metz(F) 186 Mi / 300 km / 2h45
Metz --> Courcelles sur Vesle(F) 141 Mi / 227 km / 2h00



After a satisfying breakfast, we will gather early in the morning at our base hotel, in Stuttgart to have a first mandatory driver's meeting. The cars are ready, the last bag is stowed and off we go for an unforgettable journey. To start with, ahead of us is our first of no-speed-limit Autobahn experience. A stop for lunch is scheduled in Metz, France.

We will arrive at our first overnight castle by mid-afternoon and check into our 17th century castle, The Château de Courcelles. After some time to relax and settle down, we will make our first official "wine stop" for a private tour of a local Champagne House. You will discover all the secrets to making Champagne first hand and end the tour with a Champagne tasting.
By early evening, we'll take a short historical tour of our hotel, followed by a cocktail and a sumptuous dinner. After our first day of driving, it's time to share our driving impressions and talk about what lies ahead...

Your Hotel Tonight

Château de Courcelles

Chateau de Courcelles

Cross the threshold of this magnificent XVIIth century château, set in the midst of an enchanting parkland, and you will understand why Racine, La Fontaine, the Dumas, father and son, and Jean Cocteau (who designed the staircase banister) fell under its spell. Its secret? Friendly service, comfortable, individually styled rooms and exquisite haute cuisine accompanied by a long list of exceptional champagnes.


Design & Hosting by:
Ulysium / Orbhost