"A Drive to Monaco"

Photos courtesy of:

Tom & Lisa Van Der Veer
Tim & Debbie Jankiewicz
Veronica DeGuenther
Tania Varga & Nicolas Bigosinski

Yours Truly (Nicolas Bigosinski), going over the last details with James & Robin Giles.


First Pre-Trip Meeting, in the restaurant of our base hotel.


The Wisconsin participants on our first dinner together in Düsseldorf.
We will learn later on that Pauletta has a "special talent"!

From left to right:

Carl Emrick, Carl Davis, Mark Lindner, Vicky Emrick, Pauletta Lindner, Kathy Davis


Some of the Florida participants.

From left to right:

Jan & John Reker, Tim & Debbie Jankiewicz, Tom & Lisa Van Der Veer


Pauletta practicing her "Spoon-on-the-nose trick".


Design & Hosting by:
Ulysium / Orbhost